US And Canadian Fossil Sites -- Data for HAWAII

Version 0810 current as of OCT 2008.

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Black Point (E of Kahala)HonoluluHIIn a 13m high Limestone cliff at Kupikikio[?] CraterRecent?HI0001Probably at/near Kupikikikio Point between Kahala and Diamond Head|,
Diamond HeadHonoluluHIAt the base of Kaimuki slope along the Kapahulu Road,Diamond Head in Limestone.Recent?HI0002|,
Diamond HeadHonoluluHIIn sand on brownish tuff a meter or two above sea level at Diamond HeadRecent?HI0003|,
HonoluluHonoluluHIAt the Moiliili sand quarry .25 N of the Girl's Industrial SchoolRecent?HI0004|,
HonoluluHonoluluHIBetween King and Young Streets opposite the Stadium,in fossil coral reef.Recent?HI0005|,
HonoluluHonoluluHINear the Wailupe radio station in fossil coral reefs a few meters above sea levelRecent?HI0006|,
Honolulu PlainHonoluluHIunder the city of Honolulu where fossiliferous Limestone underlies a thin layer of volcanic ash.Recent?HI0007|,
Kaena PointHonoluluHIin RR cuts 1.6km E of Kaena PointRecent?HI0008|,
Makapu PeninsulaHonoluluHIOn the Makapu Peninsula N of Nuupia fishpond.Recent?HI0009|,
Makapuu lighthouseHonoluluHIQuarry 1.2km W of Makapuu lighthouseRecent?HI0010|,
Moanalua ValleyHonoluluHIalong both sides of the Moanalua Valley,up to 7m above modern sea levelRecent?HI0011|,
Near Maili Pt.HonoluluHInear WainanaeRecent?HI0012|,
Puuloa RR StationHonoluluHI1 km N of Puuloa RR Station in RR cut.Recent?HI0013|,
Wailupe PointHonoluluHIbetween the Niu and Wailupe valleys in a Limestone outcrop 3 meters above Sea Level.Recent?HI0014|,
Waipo StationHonoluluHIin a RR cut 0.8km E of Waipo StationRecent?HI0015|,
Kalamaula StreamMauiHIIn a number of marine exposures in the bed of Kalamaula Stream and its tributaries,from near the mouth of the stream to 33m above Sea Level,4km East of the Mouth.Recent?HI0016|,
OlowaluMauiHIAt Target Range Gulch,Olowalu,9.6km SE of Lahaini,in exposures in the stream bed as high as 60m and 74m above Sea LevelRecent?HI0017|,
Kohala Volcano[?]HIOn West side at base of slopeHoloceneMarine shells and coralsHI0018|,
Nanakuli Sea Cliffs[?]HI1.6km E of Nanakuli RR Station in LimestoneRecent?HI0019|,
Waianae RR Station[?]HI5-6.4km E of Waianae RR station and 0.8km inland in a Limestone quarry about 20 meters above sea level.Recent?HI0020|,

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