US And Canadian Fossil Sites -- Data for ALABAMA

Version 0810 current as of OCT 2008.

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Arrow BendAutaugaALOn Alabama River inCretaceousEutawBrachiopods,mollusksAL0001|,
House BluffAutaugaALIn fields along back of town along Alabama RiverInoceramus,Leidon bones sharks teeth,fine shellsAL0002|,
Alexanders LandingBarbourAL13 km below Eufaulamollusks,crab claws,fish teethAL0004|,
Alexanders LandingBarbourAL4 km below in 8 meters of echinoid bearing rocksechinoderms,mollusks - Ostrea,CardiumAL0005|,
ClaytonBarbourALarea limestonesOstreaAL0006|,
EufaulaBarbourALIn right bank of Chattahoochee River opposite mouth of Burstahatchee[?] CreekEchinoderms,Hemiaster,Coptosoma; mollusks - Inoceramus,Ostrea,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Pecten,Veniella,Cardium,Turritella; Crab fragmentsAL0007Unable to identify 'Burstahatchee' Creek. Site may be in Georgia as the original citation is for Eufaula,Barbour County,Georgia. Eufaula and Barbour County are on the Alabama side of the River,but the river/lake are only about a kilometer wide.|,
EufaulaBarbourALIn river bluff below bridgemany taxa; corals,echinoderms,vermes,mollusksAL0008site may well be on Georgia side of the Chattahoochee River.|,
EufaulaBarbourALin roadcuts on AL97 8.5-9km NW of US431CretaceousRipleyOysters,Ray teeth,Sawfish teethAL0009|,
Pataula CreekBarbourAL7 km belowmollusks,crocodilesAL0010|,
Pataula CreekBarbourALIn Cretaceous Upper Providence sand 16km N of Fort Gains on GA39. In Chattahoochee River bank accessible by dirt road from store on N bank of Pataula Creek.Cretaceous UpperProvidenceClassic locality for mollusks,ammonites,echinoids,coralAL0011|,
Roods Upper BendBarbourALat Roanoke BluffCrassalites(Crassatella?)AL0012|,
Soapstone CreekBarbourALJust above mouth (on creek itself?)Mollusks - Nucula,Leda,Trigonarca,Glycymeris,Ostrea,Trigonia,Pecten,Anomia,Crassatellites,Cardium; vertebrates - Lamna,Corax,OtodusAL0013|,
Soapstone CreekBarbourALjust above mouth on Chattahoochee River between Upper and Lower Roods Bendturtle-fragments,Taphrosphys; saurian bones,Mosasaurus,Crocodile teeth,coprolites,mollusksAL0014|,
Wolfridge Landing(?)BarbourALon Chattahoochee RiverOstreaAL0015|,
Wooldridge LandingBarbourALon Chattahoochee River 75 km below Columbus and 22 km above EufaulaWorms - Serpula,Hamulus; mollusks; vertebrates - Lamna,Corax,Otodus,Ischyrhiza,Thecachampsa,PolydectesAL0016|,
AldrichBibbAL1 km W of MontevalloCambrian LowerDorypyge,Zacanthoides,Amecephalus,DolichometopusAL0017|,
AldrichBibbALIn S31T24NR11E(SS?)(33d1.14mN,87d0.67mW) and S6T23NR11E(SS)(33.0048N, 87.0111W)Cambrian UpperBrierfield dolomiteCryptozoon.AL001833.0079N,87.0055W|,
AldrichBibbALNE1/4S20T24R11E In area Limestone quarriesfossilsAL0019NE1/4S20T24R11E|,
AldrichBibbALSE1/4SE1/4S31T24R10E In area Limestone quarriesfossilsAL0020SE1/4SE1/4S31T24R10E|,
BrierfieldBibbALalong Mahan CreekCambrian UpperBrierfield dolomiteCryptozoon.AL0021|,
CentrevilleBibbAL8 km NE at N end of high knob by Cahaba River Ordovician graptolitesOrdovicianClimacograptusAL0022|,
MontevalloBibbALalong Spring CreekCambrian UpperBrierfield dolomite?AL0023|,
MontevalloBibbALin shales in road cut on West side of AL25 between Montevallo and I65graptolitesAL0024|,
Pratts FerryBibbALOrdovicianAthens Shalegraptolites Dicellograptus,Glossograptus,Nemagraptus,DiplograptusAL0025|,
SixmileBibbAL3 km NE along Sixmile CreekCambrian LowerDorypyge,Zacanthoides,Amecephalus,Dolichometopus(4)AL0026|,
Blount SpringsBlountAL400 meters W of RR station in St Louis LimestoneCoral - LithostrotionAL0027|,
Blount SpringsBlountALIn Bangor Quarries in lower argillaceous Limestone beds 300 meters S of BangorBlastoidsAL0028|,
Blount SpringsBlountALIn area quarriesBlastoidsAL0029|,
Murphrees ValleyBlountALCambrianConasauga Limestonebrachiopods - DicellomusAL0030|,
Swansea-InlandBlountAL4 km W in Chickamauga LimestoneBrachiopods - Hebertella,RafinesquinaAL0031|,
Village SpringBlountAL5 km SE atop Hayes Mountain inSilurianRed Mountaincrinoid fragmentsAL0032|,
HurtsboroBullockAL3.5 km SW in Central of Georgia RR cutOstreaAL0033|,
Union SpringsBullockALOn US82 from city limits to US7CretaceousCussetaExogyra,oysters,mollusk casts,shark teethAL0034|,
MontereyButlerALalong Road to Snow Hill - Lower Tertiary outcrops on hilltops.Tertiary Lower?AL0035|,
-Butler,WilcoxALIn White LimestoneNautilus,Enclimatoceras.AL0036|,
-Butler,WilcoxALIn White LimestoneNautilus,Enclimatoceras.AL0037|,
AllsupCalhounAL4 km NWCambrian Uppertrilobites-CedariaAL0038|,
Cold Spring GapCalhounAL3 km W on Colvin Mt inSilurianClintonAnoplothecaAL0039|,
DukeCalhounALon high knob halfway to Readsbrachiopod - Rhynchotrema.AL0040|,
Frog MountainCalhounALand NE into Cherokee County,ALDevonian UpperCorals and brachiopodsAL0041|,
Frog MountainCalhounALon high knob halfway to Readsbrachiopod - Rhynchotrema.AL0042|,
JacksonvilleCalhounALfossil molds filled with exotic minerals,e.g. strengite,cacoxeniteSilurianFort Payne Chert?AL0043|,
PiedmontCalhounAL6.4 km WDevoniancoralsAL0044|,
Spring GapCalhounALIn Colvin Mountain in red shalesbrachiopods -- RhynchotremaAL0045|,
Sulphur SpringsCalhounALIn massive quartzitecrinoid stemsAL0046|,
Sulphur SpringsCalhounALNE,in mountainscrinoid stemsAL0047|,
-CherokeeALS32T6R11E Near state border and 1 km SWfossiliferous iron oreAL0056S32T6R11E|,
Cedar BluffCherokeeALCambrianConasauga?TricrepicephalusAL0048|,
Cedar BluffCherokeeALIn area exposures of Cambrian Conasauga Limestone in Coosa ValleyCambrianConasaugawell preserved brachiopods -- Dicellomus,Trilobites Crepicephalus,Norwoodia,Olenoides,Pseudagnostus,Tricrepicephalus(4)AL0049|,
Cedar BluffCherokeeALalong riverCambrianConasaugaabundant trilobites - Tricrepicephalus,AgnostusAL0050|,
Cedar BluffCherokeeALat bridge over Coosa river in a small exposure of Conasauga shale Trilobites Agnostus (4) It is reported that Weiss lake,formed by damming the Coosa River,covers this siteCambrianConasauga?AL0051|,
Cedar BluffCherokeeALin outcrops along riverCambrian UpperAgnostids,TricrepicephalusAL0052|,
CenterCherokeeALIn flint nodules in tilled fieldsCambrianConasaugasponges and trilobites - Asaphiscus(4)AL0053|,
CenterCherokeeALin fieldssponges and trilobitesAL0054|,
PineyCherokeeALCambrianConasaugaTrilobites -Olenoides(18)AL0055|,
Weiss LakeCherokee?ALIn roadcuts along I-59Ordovician-DevonianIchnofossils,InvertebratesAL0057|,
JemisonChiltonALIn Devonian Jemison chert abundant poorly preserved fossilsDevonianJemisoncorals -Meristella,Favosites,Brachiopods - Spirifer,Delthyris; Strophomenoids. OrthocerasAL0058|,
ShelbyChiltonALCambrian UpperUpper Cambrian gastropods and trilobitesAL0059|,
-ChoctawALS7T11NR4W Ostrea in gray calcareous sand outcropping B of creek.?AL0076S7T11NR4W|,
BarrytownChoctawAL10 km NNE at Barryton[?] Mill 4 km N on Okatuppa CreekEoceneClaiborneClaiborne fossils.AL0060May be Barrytown Mill|,
BarrytownChoctawAL11 km NE On Lomack's Hill[?]. Ostrea in White Limestone?AL0061Might be Womack Hill about 4km ENE of Barrytown|,
BarrytownChoctawAL6 km NE at Barryton[?] Mill in all banks of Okatuppa Creek upstream of the mill - in white Limestone or yellow sand.?AL0062May be Barrytown Mill|,
BarrytownChoctawAL6 km NE at Barrytown[?] Mill on Okatuppa Creek Ostrea in Greensand.OstreaAL0063May be Barryton Mill|,
BirminghamChoctawAL11 km N in Copper Ridge DolomiteCambrian UpperCopper RidgeCryptozoon,Gastropods -MelanopsisAL0064|,
Bladon SpringsChoctawAL25 km W in greenish sands below white LimestoneCrepidula,CorbulaAL0065|,
Bladon SpringsChoctawALAlong Millry road in Buhrstone and Claiborne Formation outcropsEoceneClaiborne?AL0066Bladon Springs is in Choctaw County,but the site could well be in Washington County|,
Bladon SpringsChoctawALAlong St Stephens Rd in S29t8r2?AL0067S29t8r2|,
Bladon SpringsChoctawALto N on hill above Souwilpa Creek in yellow sandsOstrea.AL0068|,
Eureka Landing [?]ChoctawALon the Tombigbee River 8-9 meters of fossiliferous,glauconitic sandy marlGryphaea,Turritella,FlabellumAL0069There are several Eureka landings in Alabama|,
GilbertownChoctawAL32km E of Shubuta,MS -- Ref is to Shubuta,Gilbertown looks to be the nearest town to the purported localityMioceneJacksonvertebrates-Carcharhinus,Carcharodon,Cylindracanthus,Isurus,Myliobatis,OdontapsisAL0070|,
Grove HillChoctawALAmber in white Limestone.AL0071|,
HatchetigbeeChoctawALfossils like those at Butler(???)AL0072|,
Hatchetigbee BluffChoctawALon Tombigbee RiverOligocene-Eocenegastropods - Trophon,Expleritoma[?],pelecypods - Cytherea,Cardium.AL0073'Expleritoma' is probably misspelled,but I can't identify the proper spelling|,
RescuevilleChoctawALAmber in white Limestone.AL0074|,
SuggsvilleChoctawALAmber in white Limestone.AL0075|,
Allen's CreekClarkeALGastropods,pelecypodsAL0077|,
Bashi CreekClarkeALmollusks similar to those at Wood's BluffAL0078|,
Clarkesville[?]ClarkeALS23T9NR2E in Greensand in creek bottomEoceneClaiborneClaiborne fossilsAL0079Original says 'Old Clarkeville',Most likely this is the modern ClarkesvilleS23T9NR2E|,
Clarkesville[?]ClarkeALS23T9NR2E in White Limestone on hillsidesEoceneClaiborneClaiborne fossils,Zeuglodon bonesAL0080Original says 'Old Clarkeville',Most likely this is the modern ClarkesvilleS23T9NR2E|,
Coffeeville LandingClarkeAL2 km E in Limey Clay on hills above Satilpa Creek Zeuglodon bones.Eocene?ClaiborneOstrea,Venericardia,Corbula,Pecten,Arca,NuculaAL0081|,
Gosport LandingClarkeALClaiborne beds a few km upstreamEocene?Claiborne?AL0082|,
Gosport LandingClarkeALat Rattlesnake bluff downstream on Alabama RiverEocene?Claiborne?AL0083|,
JacksonClarkeALalong Little Stave Creek. Large exposureEoceneClaiborne?Eocene invertebratesAL0084|,
JacksonClarkeALat lower salt works t5nr2e good Lisbon fossils on hillside mollusksNeaera. Pholadomya,Astarte,SolenAL0085t5nr2e|,
JacksonClarkeALon Little Stave Creek at outskirts of townEoceneinvertebratesAL0086|,
JacksonClarkeALon outskirts of town along Little Stave CreekEoceneabundant fossilsAL0087|,
Satilpa CreekClarkeALgastropods and pelecypodsAL0088|,
Stave CreekClarkeALIn sands at creek level in S8t7nr2e-s9t7nr2eEocene?ClaiborneClaiborne fossilsAL0089S8t7nr2e-s9t7nr2e|,
Stave CreekClarkeALS18t7r2emollusksAL0090S18t7r2e|,
Sunny SouthClarkeAL11 km S on Rock House CreekHatchetigbeewell preserved mollusks similar to those at Wood's BluffAL0091|,
Woods BluffClarkeALIn 2 beds in Hatchetigbee Formationpelecypods - Neaera,Ranella,Fusus,Pisiana,Corbula,Venericardia. Gastropods-Trophon,Turritella.AL0092|,
Central Salt WorksClarke?ALProbably the Confederate era Central Salt Works on County Rd 15 near Grove Hill?massive coral reefAL0093|,
ErinClayALE of town at base of main range of Talladega MountainDevonianplants -Lepidodendron in slates and lenses.AL0094|,
-Cleburne,CherokeeALon Coosa RiverConasaugaBaltagnostus,Peronopsis,AlokistocareAL0095Google indicates that Foster Bend might be in Cleburne or Cherokee County|,
AllsboroColbertAL6 km SBrachiopodsAL0096|,
Fox TrapColbertALRoadcut on side of a small hill,NW1/4SE1/4Sec31T5SR10W. Erosional outlier of Bangor LimestoneMississippian UpperBangor LimestoneGastropods;Bivalves;Echinoderms-Crinoids,Blastoids-Pentremites;Bryozoa-Archimedes;BrachiopodsAL009834d34m26sN,87d37m23sW|,
SheffieldColbertAL6 km W at Keller Quarryblastoids,MesoblatusAL0099|,
-Coosa?,Chilton?ALCambrianConasaugaStarfish(?)Jellyfish - Brooksella(4,16)AL0101|,
AndalusiaCovingtonALjust below Point-A dam on Conecuh RiverEoceneshark teeth,fish teeth,snake vertebraAL0102|,
CarlowvilleDallasALAt bridge over Snake Creek on Carlowville-Snow Hill RoadCretaceousRipleyOstreaAL0103|,
HarrellDallasAL1.6km ECretaceousSelmaTurtle-BothremysAL0104Harrell is at 32.44 -87.2232.44 -87.22|,
SelmaDallasALAlong W bank of Valley Creek beneath Jefferson Ave bridgeCretaceous Uppertypical faunas.AL0105|,
SelmaDallasALCretaceous Upper (marine) fossils in Mooreville chalk beds beneath the Jefferson Davis Avenue Creek over Valley CreekCretaceousMooreville?AL0106|,
BirminghamDeKalbALAt Red MountainOrdovicianRed MountainTrilobites-CryptolithusAL0107|,
CollinsvilleDeKalbAL2 km N in Ordovician beds above ferruginous SandstoneOrdovicianSolenopora,Platystrophia,Rhynchotrema,DinorthisAL0108|,
Wills ValleyDeKalbALNE1/4SE1/4s4t5r10e crinoid stems in clay at Montague Mines?AL0109NE1/4SE1/4s4t5r10e|,
Wills ValleyDeKalbALNW1/4S9T6R9E - fossiliferous chert in black shale.?AL0110NW1/4S9T6R9E|,
Wills ValleyDeKalbALSE1/4NE1/4S17T7R8E,SE1/4sw1/4s9T7R8Ecrinoidal LimestoneAL0111SE1/4NE1/4S17T7R8E,SE1/4sw1/4s9T7R8E|,
Wills ValleyDeKalbALon NW side?AL0112|,
WetumpkaElmoreAL2 km SECretaceousEutawOphiomorpha (Ophiomorpha?) burrows(12)AL0113|,
WetumpkaElmoreAL2 km to 4 km SECretaceousMoorevilleFossil casts and molds in scattered outcrops and blocks of marl (11)AL0114|,
AttallaEtowahAL1.5 km NW at Moragne Mines in Sandstone in mine tunnel PentamerusPentamerusAL0115Probably at or near 34.0297N,86.1102W34.0297N,86.1102W estimated|,
AttallaEtowahALOn W bank of Wills Creek in SW1/4NE1/4S4T12R5E (WSW of first sharp bend in Mountain NW of Attalla,fossils in thick flaggy Sandstone?AL0116SW1/4NE1/4S4T12R5E|,
Colvin MountainEtowahALover 23 to 40sq km area in SE corner of countycrinoids,brachiopods in shaleAL0117|,
CrudupEtowahAL1 km N in talusBrachiopods RhipidomellaAL0118|,
Walnut GroveEtowahAL10 km SW in Manganese orecoral LithostrotionAL0119|,
Wills ValleyEtowahALNW side for 20 to 30 km and around head of Greasy Cove. 100m of Upper Silurian stratabrachiopods and graptolites.AL0120|,
FrankfortFranklinALAlong Bell Green Rd crossing of Cedar Creek,many Lafayette Group fossils in road cuts.?AL0121|,
RussellvilleFranklinALSW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w Fossiliferous limestoneswell preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopodsAL0122SW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w|,
RussellvilleFranklinALSW1/4sw1/4s16t6r11w Fossiliferous limestoneswell preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods,Coral - ZaphrentisAL0123SW1/4sw1/4s16t6r11w|,
RussellvilleFranklinALalong Allen Factory Road Fossiliferous limestoneswell preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopodsAL0124|,
RussellvilleFranklinALalong SW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w Fossiliferous limestoneswell preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopodsAL0125SW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w|,
Pea RiverGenevaAL6 km downstream of Dead River in a yellow sandy bluffPecten,Scutella,Ostrea,Nummulites,ScalpellumAL0126|,
Choctaw BluffGreeneALpelecypods TeredoAL0127|,
Choctaw BluffGreeneALIn rotten LimestoneCretaceousInoceramus,Cretaceous marine vertebrates turtles,Mosasaurs,other reptilesAL0128|,
ClintonGreeneAL2.5km se of Route 14 (N32 54' / W87 59') at Trussels CreekCretaceousEutawvertebrates - birds,Archaeolamna,ScapanorhynchusAL0129N32 54' / W87 59'|,
GreensboroHaleALin thin local outcrops of very fossiliferous material such as drainage ditchesCretaceousTombigbee SandShark teeth,pelecypodspaleolist-12/16/2007 08:01 PM|,
Warrior RiverHaleALat Erie BluffCretaceousEutawOstreaAL0130|,
Yantayabba Creek(?)HenryALIn 3 meter thick shell bed just below the mouth of the creekOstreaAL0131|,
Big Coon CreekJacksonALAlong the foot of the MountainCorals - ZaphrentisAL0132|,
Big Coon CreekJacksonALAlong the road running through NW1/4S16T2r7e through ne1/4S18T2r7e?AL0133NW1/4S16T2r7e through ne1/4S18T2r7e|,
Big Coon CreekJacksonALAt Cedar Bluff on W bank in se1/4sw1/4 s15t2r8wGraptolitesAL0134se1/4sw1/4 s15t2r8w|,
Big Coon CreekJacksonALN1/2S11t2r6e?AL0135N1/2S11t2r6e|,
Caperton FerryJacksonAL?AL0136|,
Caperton FerryJacksonAL11 km E(?) on E side of river near center of S18t3r8e in a bluff of cherty gray Limestonegraptolites.AL0137S18t3r8e|,
Caperton FerryJacksonALAlong road leading outward in S28t2r8e toward Stevenson in blue-gray LimestonegraptolitesAL0138S28t2r8e|,
StevensonJacksonAL1 km SE along Benges Creek on NW side of red-loam hillcrinoids,brachiopods,corals,PentremitesAL0139There is a Benges Creek in Scott County Virginia,none in Stevenson|,
StevensonJacksonALAlong line of faulting from Stevenson to state line.crinoids,brachiopods,corals,PentremitesAL0140|,
StevensonJacksonALIn area RR cutscrinoids,brachiopods,corals,PentremitesAL0141|,
ArgoJeffersonAL4 km SW on Cedar Mountain,in Chickamauga LimestoneIsochilina.AL0142|,
BessemerJeffersonAL6 km SW silicifiedQuebecoceras.AL0143|,
BessemerJeffersonALIn area coal pits inPottsville ShaleShale slabs with plants -- Lepidodendron,Calamites,StigmariaAL0144|,
BessemerJeffersonALS In strip mine along AL31PennsylvanianCalamites,Sigillaria,LepidodendronAL0145|,
BessemerJeffersonALS in abandoned strip mine adjacent to Hwy 31.?AL0146|,
BessemerJeffersonALS in strip mine along AL31Pennsylvanianferns,Calamites,Sigillaria,LepidodendronAL0147|,
BessemerJeffersonALin area coal minesCarboniferousgood plantsAL0148|,
BirminghamJeffersonAL14th St and 14th Ave SoLingula to 2.5cmAL0149|,
BirminghamJeffersonAL19 km SE silicifiedScenellaAL0150|,
BirminghamJeffersonAL30 km NE at base of Foster MountainLingula to 2.5cmAL0151|,
BirminghamJeffersonALIn ravine between Foster and Black Oak MountainsLingula to 2.5cmAL0152|,
Blount MountainJeffersonALIn a knoll of Limestone and chert SW of extreme SW point in nw1/4sw1/4s12/ne1/4se1/4s11t15r1?AL0153nw1/4sw1/4s12/ne1/4se1/4s11t15r1|,
ChalkvilleJeffersonAL1 km W in Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge Dolomite.Cambrian UpperCopper RidgeTrilobites,gastropods,ScenellaAL0154|,
ChepultepecJeffersonAL700 meters Wgastropod casts Helicotoma.AL0155|,
ClayJeffersonAL2 km NW in shale at base of Ordovician Chickamauga Limestone at W base of Foster MountainOrdovicianChickamaugaLingulaAL0156|,
Gate CityJeffersonAL1 km N in quarrybryozoa,corals (Tetradium)AL0157|,
Old JonesboroJeffersonAL4 km SE in Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge dolomiteCambrian UpperCopper RidgeQuebecoceras.AL0158|,
WarriorJeffersonALIn Black Creek Coal beds.PennsylvanianBlack Creek (Alabama)Good plant fossils - NeuropterisAL0159|,
Blue Water CreekLauderdaleALAt crossing of Florence and Athens Road Fossiliferous cherty Limestone?AL0160|,
Blue Water CreekLauderdaleALBelow Phillips Mill in sw1/4ne1/4s19t2r8w Fossiliferous cherty Limestone?AL0161sw1/4ne1/4s19t2r8w|,
Gravelly SpringsLauderdaleALbrachiopodsSpiriferAL0162|,
LexingtonLauderdaleALCarboniferousFort Paynecrinoid stems - CleiothyridinaAL0163|,
PruittonLauderdaleAL5 km SW at Mount Tabor School - in mid-Devonian LimestoneDevonian MiddleAbundant Brachiopods - Spirifer. Some trilobitesAL0164Pruitton appears to be extinct. USGS topo maps show it to be on a more or less empty stretch of dirt road at 34.9904N,87.6095W34.9904N,87.6095W approximate|,
Big Nancy CreekLawrenceALS23t5r8w in shaley flagstoneArchemedes,Brachiopods,crinoidsAL0165S23t5r8w|,
CourtlandLawrenceAL6 km SE on Moulton Road Chester agecorals - ZaphrentisAL0166|,
Elam CreekLawrenceALNW1/4S12t7r7w abituminous mass of crinoids in a gray LimestoneAL0167NW1/4S12t7r7w|,
HoultonLawrenceAL1 km NW at Goodlight Pool QuarryMississippianGasperbroad faunas,PentremitesAL0168|,
MoultonLawrenceAL0.8 km NW at Goodlight Pool Quarry.MississippianGasper LimestoneLarge blastoids-Pentremites,brachiopods,coralsAL0169|,
MoultonLawrenceAL1 km N at Goodlight Pool QuarryMississippianPentremites,brachiopods,coralsAL0170|,
Mount HopeLawrenceALIn area exposures of black waxy soilPentremites.AL0171|,
Town CreekLawrenceALS in creek bed in SW1/4S9t5r9w in chertbrachiopodsAL0172SW1/4S9t5r9w|,
Town CreekLawrenceALW in nw1/4t5r9w on sides of knolls in Limestonebrachiopods,crinoidsAL0173nw1/4t5r9w|,
AthensLimestoneALIn carboniferous rockscrinoid stemsAL0174|,
Franklin SpringsLimestoneAL5 km NW at Ligon's Springs (Ligon Springs?) in a low knollPentremites and ArchimedesAL0175|,
LagrangeLimestoneALIn area road cutsplants - Lepidodendron,Calamites,Stigmaria.AL0176|,
Mountain Mills FactoryLimestoneALIn SE1/4s15T4r13w in Limestone outcropArchimedesAL0177SE1/4s15T4r13w|,
Prides's StationLimestoneALin outcrops to S on little MountainCyathophylloid corals; PentremitesAL0178|,
Prides's StationLimestoneALin outcrops to S s1/2s9t6r11wcyathophylloid corals,PentremitesAL0179s1/2s9t6r11w|,
Prides's StationLimestoneALin outcrops to S sw1/4s35t5r12wcyathophylloid corals,PentremitesAL0180sw1/4s35t5r12w|,
TuscumbiaLimestoneALalong Frankfort Rd in S33t4r12w in fossiliferous Limestone?AL0181S33t4r12w|,
-LowndesALin roadcuts on AL263 for 5km S from junction with AL21CretaceousRipleyExogyra,Flemingostrea,mollusk casts,oysters,a few echinoids,ammonitesAL0183|,
Tombigbee RiverLowndesALPlymouth BluffMollusks HamulusAL0182|,
DemopolisMadisonALIn road cuts near Webb+Sons Warehouseforams,brachiopods - TerebratulinaAL0184|,
Half AcreMadisonAL3 km SE on County 17 in Nanafalia Formation in roadcutmollusks - Ostrea.AL0185|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALMississippianChesterfish teeth-Polyrhizodus,SandalodusAL0186|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALMississippianMaxvilleshark teeth-SandalodusAL0187|,
HuntsvilleMadisonAL15 km W on lower slopes of Rainbow Mountain - fossiliferous St Genevieve Limestone?AL0188|,
HuntsvilleMadisonAL18 km S Platycrinus?AL0189|,
HuntsvilleMadisonAL6 km NPlatycrinusAL0190|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALAlong Monte Sano State Park Rd 1 km from WHBS-FM Radio Tower. In massive Limestonecrinoid fragments,echinoid fragments,PentremitesAL0191|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALAt Mt Sano in road cut along US431 on W side of Mountain inMississippianGaspercorals -Campophyllum,Chonetes; Blastoids - Pentremites; Crinoids -Agassizocrinus,TalarocrinusAL0192|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALE in road cuts inMississippianSt Genevieve Limestonecrinoids - Platycrinus,Cystelasma,Pustula. Blastoids - PentremitesAL0193|,
HuntsvilleMadisonALIn roadcuts near top of Monte Sano Mountain on AL431Mississippianabundant crinoid fragments,blastoids,brachiopodsAL0194|,
MadisonMadisonALIn Chattanooga shale 1.6 km E of Fisk on E side of Flint River in road cutcrinoids fragments,Spirifer,conodonts,LingulaAL0195|,
Madison CountyMadisonALIn Chattanooga shale 4 km W of Plevnacrinoids fragments,Spirifer,conodonts,LingulaAL0196|,
Madison CountyMadisonALIn fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone In Valley on E side of County between Tennessee state line and Owens Crossroads,in Red residual soils.MississippianTuscumbiacrinoid and bryozoa fragments -- Fenestella,brachiopods --Spirifer,Reticularia,corals -- LithostrotionAL0197|,
Madison CountyMadisonALIn fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone In a 6 by 20 km region between Brier Fork Creek and Flint River,in Red residual soils.MississippianTuscumbiacrinoid and bryozoa fragments -- Fenestella,brachiopods -- Spirifer,Reticularia,corals -- LithostrotionAL0198|,
Madison CountyMadisonALIn fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone On W side of county W of Tennessee River and South of Brier Fork Creek,in Red residual soils.MississippianTuscumbiacrinoid and bryozoa fragments -- Fenestella,brachiopods -- Spirifer,Reticularia,corals -- LithostrotionAL0199|,
MagnoliaMadisonAL1.5 km S of County 30 between Shiloh and Magnolia sw1/4s9t13nr4eOstreaAL0200sw1/4s9t13nr4e|,
MagnoliaMadisonALon County 30 near crest of hill W of Goose CreekWell Preserved Mollusks and PlantsAL0201|,
Nanafalia LandingMadisonALon Tombigbee RiverEoceneClaiborne?Forams (39 species),Mollusks (16 species),Ostracods (27 species),CardiumAL0202|,
New HopeMadisonAL2 km NE on SE Flank of Hill Mt in road cut inBangor Limestoneabundant Bryozoa - Fenestella,Archimedes,Prismopora,Brachiopods - Spirifer,Composita,PentremitesAL0203|,
New MarketMadisonAL1 km W at base of hill on W side of Mountain Fork Creekcrinoid stems,SpiriferAL0204|,
New MarketMadisonAL8 km W along Flint River inDevonian MiddleChattanooga ShaleConodontsAL0205|,
New MarketMadisonAL8 km W in Red Mountain Formation at Sulphur Springs (Quicks Mills[?])corals; Favosites,Halysites and ConodontsAL0206Probably near 34.9176N,86.5038W on Flint River. Can't identify a 'Quick's Mills'34.9176,86.5038 estimated|,
OctagonMadisonAL14 km NW in road cuts on County 30Eocene?Porters CreekMollusks: Calyptraphorus,Volutocorbis,Venericardia; Sharks teeth,otoliths,corals,foramsAL0207|,
Old Spring HillMadisonALIn road cut on US43. Mollusks inCretaceousDemopolis chalkExogyra,DiploschizaAL0208|,
Ready CrossroadsMadisonALalong Flint River and tributaries in grey,while,greenish limestoneSilurianFort Payne Chertcrinoid stems,SpiriferAL0209|,
ThomastonMadisonALNE,in glauconitic sand at base of Clayton FormationEocene?Claytonphosphatic nodules,reworked Cretaceous fossils - Exogyra,other mollusksAL0210|,
-MarengoALCretaceous Ripley Formation in 8-15 km wide belt. N boundary 6 km N of McKinley,2 km N of Dayton, 13 km SW of Demopolis at Tombigbee River. S boundary 4 km S of McKinley,Thomaston,Linden,1.6 km N of JeffersonCretaceousRipley?AL0212|,
Marengo CountyMarengoALAcross County from outcrops in Wilcox County to Moscow on the Tombigbee RiverCretaceous-Tertiary[?]White Limestone (Alabama)[?]with Nautilus,Enclimatoceras underlain by hard crystalline Limestone with poorly preserved shells - Turritella,Venericardia,Ostrea,Cerithium. RostellariaAL0211White Limestone appears to be a 19th Century(?) term. Uncertain what the modern equivalent is|,
Paint Rock RiverMarshallAL3 km SPentremites (several species)AL0213|,
-MonroeALS25T7NR8E,S34T7NR8E,S19T7NR9E,S39T7NR9E,S12T7NR7E in yellow sandsEoceneClaiborne?AL0237S25T7NR8E,S34T7NR8E,S19T7NR9E,S39T7NR9E,S12T7NR7E|,
-MonroeALYellow sands with Ostrea - Across the county and S and West through MS,LA,TX?AL0238|,
-MonroeALYellow sands with Ostrea - s12t7nr7e?AL0239s12t7nr7e|,
-MonroeALYellow sands with Ostrea - s19t7nr9e through s30t7nr9e?AL0240s19t7nr9e through s30t7nr9e|,
-MonroeALYellow sands with Ostrea - s25t7nr8e,s34t7nr8e?AL0241s25t7nr8e,s34t7nr8e|,
Bell's LandingMonroeALAlong Alabama RiverLarge Gastropods Pseudoliva,Bulbifusus. pelecypods - Pholas,MartesiaAL0214|,
Bells LandingMonroeALIn bluffEoceneClaiborneTurritella and other fossilsAL0215|,
BethelMonroeAL1 km S of ButlerEoceneClaiborne?AL0216|,
Cave BranchMonroeALEoceneClaiborne?AL0217|,
ClaiborneMonroeALpelecypod Codakia,gastropods Sinum,Coral EndopachysAL0218|,
ClaiborneMonroeALpelecypod LirodiscusAL0219|,
ClaiborneMonroeALEoceneClaiborneEchinoderms -Echinocyamus,mollusks - Lucina,Hindsiella,Erycina,DentaliumAL0220|,
ClaiborneMonroeALEoceneClaiborneMollusks:Crepidula (well preserved),Gastropods Emarginula,Fasciolaria,Calyptraphorus,Volutomorpha,Cerithium,Bulla,Dentalium Coral TrochocyathusAL0221|,
ClaiborneMonroeAL8 km N on top of a high Limestone hillEoceneClaibornepelecypod castsAL0222|,
ClaiborneMonroeALEocene Claiborne Formation 43 meters thick. Complete section exposed in Claiborne Bluff plus Lisbon Bluff. Black clay at base.EoceneClaiborneCytherea,Pectunculus,Crassatella in top 2 meters. Next meter Turritella,Rostellaria,Crepidula,Turbinella,Voluta,Melongena,Ancillaria. Ostrea lower down. Total 150 speciesAL0223|,
Claiborne BluffMonroeALon beds at baseEoceneClaibornepelecypods - Pholadomya,Astarte,Mollusks - Arca,Trigonocoelia.AL0224|,
Hendrick's Marl BedMonroeALEoceneClaiborne?AL0225|,
Knight's BranchMonroeALEoceneClaiborne?AL0226|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group 1 km S of Butler Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0227|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Bethel Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0228|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Cave Branch Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0229|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Choctaw Corner Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0230|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Hendrick's Marl Bed Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0231|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Knight's Branch Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0232|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group W to MS line Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0233|,
TurnbullMonroeALIn Woods Bluff Group Wood's Bluff Woods Bluff[Bashi]EoceneWoods BluffTurritella in bed 3-4 meters thickAL0234|,
Wood's BluffMonroeALEoceneClaiborne?AL0235|,
-MorganALIn power line right of way at NW1/4S2T6SR4WMississippian UpperTuscumbiaCtenacanthusAL0245NW1/4S2T6SR4W|,
Morgan CountyMorganALS15t6r2w S10t6r2w in a NE trending LimestoneFish skeletonsAL0242S15t6r2w S10t6r2w|,
Morgan CountyMorganALSE1/4se1/4s10t8r3w In a gray Limestone near Stenson asphaltum mine in gullyPentremitesAL0243SE1/4se1/4s10t8r3w|,
Valemosa Springs(?)MorganALse1/4se1/4s19t6r1w Fossiliferous Limestone?AL0244se1/4se1/4s19t6r1w|,
FairfieldPickensALS in long bluff on Tombigbee River. Many fossilsInoceramusAL0247|,
-RussellALAt junction of US431 and AL651CretaceousEutawOccasional shark teethAL0257|,
-RussellALIn road cut at US431 AL165CretaceousEutawa few shark teeth(13).AL0258|,
-RussellALOn AL52 20km N of HurtsboroCretaceousEutawAbundant OstreaAL0259|,
-RussellALon AL51CretaceousEutawOstreaAL0260|,
Chattahoochee RiverRussellALat Broken Arrow BendCretaceousEutawExogyraAL0248|,
Holy TrinityRussellAL4 km S in road cuts on AL165CretaceousBlufftownMollusksAL0249|,
Holy TrinityRussellAL4 km S in road cuts on I65CretaceousBlufftownmollusksAL0250|,
HurtsboroRussellAL20 km N NE side of US431 AL165 IntersectionCretaceousEutawshark teethAL0251|,
HurtsboroRussellALon AL51 18 km NCretaceousEutawabundant Ostrea (13)AL0252|,
PittsviewRussellALOn AL13 4km SE of AL29 junction.CretaceousBlufftownMollusksAL0253|,
PittsviewRussellALOn AL13 below Coolspring Baptist ChurchCretaceousBlufftownMollusksAL0254|,
Pittsview?RussellALOn AL39 500m S of junction with AL165CretaceousBlufftownMollusksAL0255|,
Pittsview?RussellALOn AL4 200m E of junction with US4CretaceousBlufftownMollusksAL0256|,
Cahaba ValleyShelbyAL1 km S of Bowles Spring Church (13 km SW of Leeds)Lecanospira castsAL0261|,
CaleraShelbyALOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0262|,
CaleraShelbyAL1 km WHelicotoma uniangulata castsAL0263|,
CaleraShelbyAL6 km N of Pelham on Montgomery RoadOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0264|,
CaleraShelbyALAn regional exposures into St Clair,Bibb,Etowah countiesOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0265|,
CaleraShelbyALBetween Leeds and Moody's CrossroadsOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0266|,
CaleraShelbyALIn Quarries between Calera and PelhamOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0267|,
CaleraShelbyALLittle Cahaba River s17t24nr11eOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0268s17t24nr11e|,
CaleraShelbyALW of Pelham on Buck CreekOrdovicianNewala Limestonegastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,TarphycerasAL0269|,
HelenaShelbyAL0.4km S in argillaceous shaleCambrian LowerMontevallobrachiopods-MicromitraAL0335Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P60|,
HelenaShelbyAL500 meters NEWimanella,ObolusAL0270|,
HelenaShelbyAL6.4km S in argillaceous shaleCambrian LowerMontevallobrachiopods-MicromitraAL0334Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P60|,
HelenaShelbyAL8 km SWimanellaAL0271|,
MontevalloShelbyAL4 km W along Columbiana roadOrdovicianLecanospira.AL0272|,
MontevalloShelbyALOn AL25 between I-65 and Montevallo in shale outcrops in red clay road cutAbundant,well preserved graptolitesAL0273|,
MontevalloShelbyALin area shale exposuresOrdovicianAthens Shalegraptolites - Climacograptus,Diplograptus,Retiograptus,Isograptus. etcAL0274|,
PelhamShelbyAL17 km NE at road junction 4 km NE Newhope Church inOrdovicianNew Hope Limestone50 species of brachiopods and gastropods.AL0275|,
PelhamShelbyAL700 meters NOrdovicianNew Hope Limestone50 species of brachiopods and gastropodsAL0276|,
ShelbyShelbyAL6 km SWCambrian UpperCryptozoonAL0277|,
ShelbyShelbyAL7 km SECambrian UpperUpper Cambrian Gastropods - Casts LecanospiraAL0278|,
SiluriaShelbyAL4 km SWCambrian UpperUpper Cambrian Gastropods - Casts LecanospiraAL0279|,
MontevalloShelby?ALin reddish shaleCambrian Lower[?]Trilobites-Bristolia,OlenellusAL0280|,
-St ClairALSE of Blount and Chandler Mountains along Dry Creek in ne1/4s18t13r4e inMississippianTuscumbia Limestone|Lauderdale chertCorals - LithostrotionAL0288ne1/4s18t13r4e|,
Beaver Creek MountainSt ClairALon top of Mountain.Gastropods RhipidomellaAL0281|,
EasonvilleSt ClairAL4 km E alongDevonianTalladega chertgastropods.AL0282|,
Greenport FerrySt ClairAL1500 meters S gastropodsChonetesAL0283|,
OdenvilleSt ClairAL1300 meters E in RR cut inOrdovicianLenoir Limestonelarge gastropod casts - MaclureaAL0284|,
OdenvilleSt ClairAL600 meters S in Cut. pit on N side of Seaboard Air Line tracks inOrdovicianOdenville|Mosheim LimestonesAmphineurids-Chiton,Priscochiton;Maclurea,Deltatreta;trilobites;Orthoceras,brachiopods,sponges. Abundant gastropod - Lophospira in Mosheim LimestoneAL0285|,
SpringvilleSt ClairALIn hills to WCambrian UpperCambrian Upper gastropods and TrilobitesAL0286|,
TalladegaSt ClairAL6 km S on Taylor Mill RdgastropodsAL0287|,
Griffin's LandingSumterALFossiliferous black clay outcrops N for 15 km on Tombigbee River to Black Bluff in S12T16R1wGastropods,pelecypods,a few corals,cephalopod fragments,decapod fragmentsAL0289S12T16R1w|,
LivingstonSumterAL12 km N on Epes Road inCretaceous UpperSelma chalkMollusks-AnomiaAL0290|,
LivingstonSumterAL4 km NBelemnitesAL0291|,
-TalladegaALfossiliferous chert on ridges in SW part of county?AL0295|,
AlexandriaTalladegaAL4 km N along Gadsen Rd just below Tallasseehatchie Creek bridge. Trilobites?AL0292|,
AlexandriaTalladegaAL4.8 km N trilobites?AL0293|,
Talladega Sulphur SpringTalladegaALE - Fossil Chert.?AL0294|,
Kimbrel[?]TuscaloosaALIn Conasauga Formation -CambrianConasaugaLinguella(Lingula?)(4)AL0296|,
TuscaloosaTuscaloosaALIn Government QuarryCalamitesAL0297|,
Vances(?)TuscaloosaALIn RR cuts to E Trenton ageOrdovician Upperfossils in LimestoneAL0298|,
WoodstockTuscaloosaAL5 km S inSilurianRed Mountainbrachiopods - PentamerusAL0299|,
Baker's BluffWashingtonAL2 km upstream from St StephensmollusksAL0300|,
Baker's BluffWashingtonALin ferruginous sand bedpelecypods PanopaeaAL0301|,
Dry CreekWashingtonALS6t8r2Turritella,Ostrea,VolutaAL0302S6t8r2|,
IsneyWashingtonALAt Singley and Peels Store s11t10nr5w 5 km E in banks of PushPush CreekOstreaAL0303s11t10nr5w|,
IsneyWashingtonALW to MS line area outcrops of fossiliferous white Limestone?AL0304|,
Jordans MillWashingtonALS13t9r4w poorly preserved Claiborne fossils in greensand ledgeEoceneClaiborne?AL0305S13t9r4w|,
PushPush CreekWashingtonALaround W end of Hatchetigbee uplift, S17t10r4w,S17t10r4w,S21t10r4wEoceneClaiborneClaiborne fossilsAL0306S17t10r4w,S17t10r4w,S21t10r4w|,
Shoemaker's MillWashingtonALNW in S2t9nr4w in Greensand bedsCrassatellaAL0307S2t9nr4w|,
SilasWashingtonAL4 km NE from Powers Store to Turkey Creek bridge along Isney-Bladon Springs Road in Buhrstone bedsOstreaAL0308|,
St StephensWashingtonAL1 km N on Tombigbee RiverEocene?Claiborne?AL0309|,
Alabama RiverWilcoxALCretaceous UpperPrairie BluffGastropods AnchuraAL0310|,
Allenton StationWilcoxAL2 km E in Porters Creek Black Clays Forams,corals,mollusks - TurritellaEocene?Clayton?AL0311|,
CaledoniaWilcoxALin creek bed in Coal Bluff member of Naheola fm.NaheolaForams (75 species),Ostracods (38 species)AL0312|,
CamdenWilcoxAL11.3 km E on Allentown Rd in Matthew's landing Marl BedEocene?Claytonmolds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa - ConopeumAL0313|,
CamdenWilcoxAL15.5 km E (1 km W of Darlington Road)Eocene?Claytonmolds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa - ConopeumAL0314|,
CamdenWilcoxAL18.9 km E in Clayton Fm in road cut on Al 28Eocene?Claytonmolds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa -ConopeumAL0315|,
CamdenWilcoxAL8.2 km NECretaceousmolds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa - ConopeumAL0316|,
CamdenWilcoxAL8.2 km NEPaleoceneClaytonmolds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa - ConopeumAL0317|,
CliftonWilcoxAL2 km upstream on Left Bank. Low Bluff of highly fossiliferous black clay?AL0319|,
Dale's BranchWilcoxALMollusksAL0320|,
Gravel CreekWilcoxALNear AL41Many mollusks.AL0321|,
Gregg's LandingWilcoxALnear County Line3 corals,24 mollusks -- Fusus,Fasciolaria,PholasAL0322|,
J. Lee Bridge on AL10-26WilcoxAL1.3 km W in road cutEocene?Claytonechinoids,pelecypods,nautiloids,bryozoaAL0323|,
Lower Peach TreeWilcoxAL9 km N along Alabama River at Yellow Bluffmollusks -- Ostrea,Venericardia,Turritella,MartesiaAL0324|,
Lower Peach TreeWilcoxALIn bank of Bear Creek E of bridge on County 1 to Sunny Southmollusks,coral-HaimesiastraeaAL0325|,
Matthew's LandingWilcoxALgastropodsPseudoliva,Murex,FususAL0326|,
Midway LandingWilcoxAL4 km NW in bed of Rock Creek below AL10 bridge 2 km W of Al28 junctionabundant nautiloids.AL0327|,
OakhillWilcoxAL2 km Wmany mollusksAL0328|,
OakhillWilcoxAL7.1 km W in road cut on AL10.ForamsAL0329|,
Old Cannon LandingWilcoxALAlabama Riverbrachiopods TerebratulinaAL0330|,
Pine Barren CreekWilcoxALIn Creek Banks and road cuts on AL28 near intersection of AL21 and AL28.Abundant mollusks,plants,nautiloids,TurritellaAL0331|,
Prairie BluffWilcoxALon Alabama Rivermany Well preserved gastropodsAL0332|,
Elton P.O.[?]ALon Flat Creek toward Martha at Early's Bridge in Limestonemollusks - Scutella,PectenAL0333Can't find an Elton,Martha,or Early's Bridge in Alabama. There are more than a dozen Flat Creeks|,

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